
Media shouldn’t use ‘she’ for trans women

About 79 percent of Americans oppose those observed male at birth from…


President’s transgender order appears to disqualify himself

One of the new president’s latest executive orders declares that the sexual…


School district should reimburse bus driver for broken glasses

I find it deeply disturbing that Stewart O’Leary had to request overtime…


What does Musk need with my private, government data?

I cannot believe what is going on in our government today. Hearings are going on here in Washington state over a per mile charge for… Continue reading

Congressional Republicans should stand for beliefs

Dear Republicans, I understand your conundrum. I know you feel you must follow President Trump and Musk and vote for his dangerous agenda. If you… Continue reading

Glad to see right-of-center opinion in Herald

I’ve been a subscriber to the Daily Herald for nearly 20 years. In the past I looked forward in anticipation each Friday for Charles Krauthammer’s… Continue reading

Which great years are we returning to, President Trump?

A couple of things that I would like to see answered by the president: President Trump wants to Make America Great Again. What year does… Continue reading

Herald report of Everett protest inaccurate, biased

I was at the rally and protest in Everett last on Feb. 5 (“More than 100people gather in Everett to protest recent Trump actions,” The… Continue reading

USAID freeze halts vital aid work

I am outraged the Trump administration is making the U.S. weaker in the world. On Jan. 24, the administration issued a “stop-work order” for all… Continue reading

Stick with solutions to homelessness that have heart

A friend of mine, a poet from Leningrad who was born during WWII, had been a child who liked running to street corners to visit… Continue reading

SAVE Act would restrict voting rights

As a mother, I am flabbergasted by the continued and increasing attacks on voting rights. In Washington, we are fortunate to have mail-in ballots. It’s… Continue reading

Solar for All program is very beneficial and should be kept

The recent Herald article about the $156 million grant for Solar for All in the state, now paused by the Trump administration prompts me to… Continue reading

Musk’s financial access is a threat to personal data, payments

Recently Elon Musk along with six young men between 19-24 were able to enter federal computer servers. Musk and others were able to gain entry… Continue reading

Poor planning behind Snohomish PUD rate increase

It did not take long in 2025 for the Snohomish Public Utility District to demonstrate just how inefficient it “manages” our business. The PUD is… Continue reading

Trump’s aid cut will cost U.S. influence

The last time the U.S. pulled back its aid to other countries, the result was to empower China and Russia to move into the void.… Continue reading

Important national story missing from Herald

I couldn’t find a report in The Herald that the Trump administration was caught fraudulently altering the dates of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) online… Continue reading

State single-payer health care bill offers many advantages

I was excited to read in Will Geschke’s report (“Everett lawmakers back universal health care bill, introduced in Olympia,” Feb. 8, The Herald) about bills… Continue reading

Intent of Trump’s nominees is to subvert good government

It is clear that Donald Trump has something specific in mind with his parade of reprehensible, utterly unqualified people whom he has nominated for important… Continue reading

President Trump running nation like his failed businesses

We’ve seen it before; President Trump will do or say anything to get what he wants; then, when he gets it, he doesn’t know what… Continue reading

Sentencing reforms more complicated than column described

I read Todd Welch’s Jan. 29 column. He is certainly entitled to his opinion, but what he wrote was a pretty much an uninformed political… Continue reading